Command list

class wcag_zoo.validators.anteater.Anteater(*args, **kwargs)

Anteater checks for alt and title attributes in image tags in HTML against the requirements of the WCAG2.0 standard

class wcag_zoo.validators.ayeaye.Ayeaye(*args, **kwargs)

Checks for the existance of access key attributes within a HTML document and confirms their uniqueness. Fails if any duplicate access keys are found in the document Warns if no access keys are found in the document

class wcag_zoo.validators.glowworm.Glowworm(*args, **kwargs)

Glowworm checks for supressed focus outlines.

class wcag_zoo.validators.molerat.Molerat(*args, **kwargs)

Molerat checks color contrast in a HTML string against the WCAG2.0 standard

It checks foreground colors against background colors taking into account opacity values and font-size to conform to WCAG2.0 Guidelines 1.4.3 & 1.4.6.

However, it doesn’t check contrast between foreground colors and background images.


a failed molerat check doesn’t mean your page doesn’t conform to WCAG2.0

but a successful molerat check doesn’t mean your page will conform either…

Command line tools aren’t a replacement for good user testing!

class wcag_zoo.validators.parade.Parade(*args, **kwargs)

Run a number of validators together across a file or collection of files in a single command.

class wcag_zoo.validators.tarsier.Tarsier(*args, **kwargs)

Tarsier reads heading levels in HTML documents (H1,H2,…) to verify the order and completion of headings against the requirements of the WCAG2.0 standard.